Thursday, September 12, 2019

Infosys Certification

Dear All

Kindly find below details of Infyqt certification which can help you secure a better edge in interviews with Infosys with a job role as Systems engineer:

What is Infosys Certification?
Infosys is looking to hire 2020 passed-out graduates off-campus even before its on-campus drive. This step that is taken in the name of “Infosys Certification Exam” will not have any aptitude questions or tests. On the other hand, it’s purely based on the candidates’ performance in “Infosys Certification Exam.”

1.  Eligiblity : A student of B.E., B. Tech, M.E., M. Tech, M.Sc., or MCA, graduating in 2020,to register for the Infosys Certification.  
2. Syllabus:  You can study these courses (Programming Fundamentals using Python, Object Oriented Programming using Python, Data Structures and Algorithms using Python, and Learning DBMS and SQL) on InfyTQ under the Foundation Courses section.  
3. Registartion charges: none.
5. Pass %: 65%
6. Test location: Venue details with a call letter to be received.
7. Results to be declared same day followed by an Interview.
8. Profile offered Post interview: System Engineer.
9. RE-attempts: 1 month post first attempt.

Kindly register yourself using above link and also fill the details link given below:-


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