Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Departmental Elective Selection

Dear Students,

In the 5th semester, students are allowed to select a Departmental Elective.
The choices are Geoinformatic Engineering and Stress Analysis.

Geoinformatic Engg: A basic and essential course in the concepts of GIS and Remote Sensing for application in civil engineering. Geoinformatics supplements surveying and is a computer-based tool for generating more information about a large area remotely. The applications of GIS are numerous and can include, mapping of construction sites, locationing of highways/airports/dams, charting the navigational plots, etc.

Stress Analysis: An advanced structural engineering course dealing with the analysis of stress that develops in an infrastructure. The course is augmented with advanced concepts of mathematics and numerical modeling. It deals with concepts like displacement, and bending. It's typical applications are in the safe design of sections and structures against various applied loads. The students are expected to have a thorough understanding of numerical modeling, matrices, vectors and differential equations. 

The selection form is available over here.
Kindly provide your choices as 1 or 2 against each of the courses.

The last date to select the course is April 25, 2018.